Seal internal cracks & connecting joints for over painting 

Formulated from water-based acrylic resins (also known as polymer emulsions) acrylic mastic sealants are intended for internal use on many applications to seal, fill and close or hide gaps, cracks and connection joints around frames, walls and floors. Due to the chemical make-up of acrylic mastic sealants, they are nearly always over-paintable thus are widely used by professionals such as builders, painters and decorators as well as DIY home users. It's important to note that due to being water-based, acrylic mastic sealants aren't waterproof and so shouldn't be used externally, ...
from £3.85 inc. vat
from £5.71 inc. vat
from £2.60 inc. vat
from £2.29 inc. vat
from £5.75 inc. vat
from £4.45 inc. vat
from £2.56 inc. vat
from £2.36 inc. vat
from £7.51 inc. vat