Clean & freshen up patios & driveways

Used periodically, patio cleaners not only clean and brighten up your driveways, steps, paths and patios but can also help prevent (or at least slow down) new growth of weeds, algae, moss, mould and other foreign bodies. As well as the standard patio cleaners that have been around for quite some time which invariably contain active chemical ingredients such as sodium hypochlorite (bleach), hydrogen peroxide, oxygen bleach, or other widely used detergents, we also now stock some new technology that's more eco-friendly and not so harsh. All of our patio cleaners come in tubs and bottles and are applied using ...
from £6.71 inc. vat
from £4.49 inc. vat
from £45.72 inc. vat
from £9.04 inc. vat
from £6.30 inc. vat
from £26.04 inc. vat
from £7.31 inc. vat
from £4.06 inc. vat
from £20.16 inc. vat