Modern fixing & assembly with polyester products

Belonging to the family of polymers called 'thermosetting resins', polyester resins are synthetic materials that are widely used across all aspects of building and construction due to their ease of handling, versatility of use. We stock a small selection of polyester resins made for use by professional tradespersons and DIY home users alike. Always in 2-parts so as to have the essential components of a base and a hardener/catalyst, polyetser resins are very useful situations where anchoring or, maximum stability is required such as for use in vertical posts, eye bolts for chain connections or assembling timbers securely ...
from £8.81 inc. vat
from £6.12 inc. vat
from £47.23 inc. vat
from £13.43 inc. vat
from £6.35 inc. vat
from £4.75 inc. vat