Otto-Chemie Mastic Sealants Adhesives & Tools

In 2016 we were chosen to represent SealantS & Adhesives giants' Otto-Chemie in the UK as their main distributor. Subsequently our range of Otto Chemie products has grown and we're proud to stock a large range of OTTOSEAL® Coloured Mastic Silicone Sealants & OTTOCOLL® Adhesives in our warehouse in London E4. Increasingly popular, solid and very reliable, German Sealant & Adhesive, market-leaders OTTO-CHEMIE, are a company with a history lasting more than 125 years, in 1881 Hermann Otto founded a putty-manufacturing company in Berlin. Since the early 1960s they've been developing and producing silicone sealants, Adhesives based on silicone, polyurethane, silane-terminated polymers (hybrid) and acrylates to a very high quality and our Otto product selection has grown at a very fast rate with the huge coloured sealants range accounting for a major percentage of our total sales both commerically and industrially.

You can see a showcase of our stocked, OTTO CHEMIE OTTOSEAL & OTTOCOLL® Sealants & Adhesives on our dedicated micro-site 

PLEASE NOTE: A comprehensive list of OTTO-CHEMIE's up to date MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) is now available all in one place on their website here:

There's a wealth of professional advice and tips on everything from mastic jointing in sanitary areas to sealing between sandstone & laminate on OTTO Chemie's APPLICATION VIDEO PAGE HERE.

Also, you can see some great examples of the OTTOSEAL® silicones (and other materials) in the colours available - click here.     

If there's any other Otto-Chemie mastic sealants, adhesives or any other product that you require and we don't supply via Sealants Online, we might well stock and supply via our main company County Construction Chemicals, if not, we can usually 'order in' specially for you with minimum fuss with a fast turnaround, please contact us for more details.

OTTO Corner Piece Adaptor

OTTO Corner Piece Adaptor

£0.68 (inc VAT) per Corner
£0.57 (exc VAT)
OTTO-CHEMIE OTTO Fugenfux Multitool

OTTO-CHEMIE OTTO Fugenfux Multitool

£7.30 (inc VAT) per Item
£6.08 (exc VAT)